The Journey: Take Your Idea & Build a Business

THE PITCH! Now you have a pitch, but you don’t have an audience, let’s create one. Just as you talked with trusted resources and people about your idea, go back to them and others and ask if they would hear your pitch. Pitch them with purpose. Be prepared for constructive criticism and support as well. Probe the pitch with them to improve the message and your pitch posture. And most importantly, listen. Listen to their questions, opinions, and criticism. Take this information and go back to the drawing board. Hone your pitch because the next time, it will be for real. PITCH IS MASTERED... NOW WHAT?

With the pitch mastered, you now should have great clarity on your product or service and a sound point of view on your evolving business vision. Now what? It is time to begin thinking about the requirement for success in a real way. What resources are needed for How much start-up capital is required and what sources are available for raising capital? What is the sequence for success? What is the market opportunity and what is your pricing strategy and margin objective?

Generally, at this point in time, most entrepreneurs

need capital. Finding help can take many forms. For students at Auburn University, they are lucky to have

or more students, a strong community, and the New Venture Accelerator for entrepreneurial success, you have much of what you need. For those of you not at Small Business Association, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, and perhaps even accelerators that will help you.

and selling stock. You are going public with your business and your dream. Your idea that has been nurtured from birth. Now you must learn to nourish it and grow it to a reality. A lot of entrepreneurs don’t make it past

need for capital often slows the process of ideation and frustrates the entrepreneur. But, for those that are committed and believe, the hard work begins.


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